This is a Tigrinya story book for children. It has a collection of 12 stories with illustrations. Dessale Berekhet has written several children's books and has immense experience working in researching the Tigrinya language, cultural and traditions. This book is another testament of his skills in that respect.
This is a Tigrinya story book for children. It has a collection of 12 stories with illustrations. Dessale Berekhet has written several children's books and has immense experience working in researching the Tigrinya language, cultural and traditions. This book is another testament of his skills in that respect.
När du röstar kan du också vara med och tävla om fina priser – för hela din klass!
Ålderskategori 6-9 år:
En dag på Funnys Äventyr i Malmö
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En dag på LasseMajas Deckarhus i Linköping
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Ålderskategori 6-16 år:
Klassprenumeration på Kamratposten