The Genie in the bottle is written especially for children who are learning to read. Delightfully illustrated, these books combine great stories with simple text to excite and inspire any beginner reader. A poor fisherman finds a genie in a bottle – a big, bad, hungry genie. What will the fisherman do? This lively retelling of an old Arabian tale has easy-to-read text and fun puzzles to try after the story.
The Genie in the bottle is written especially for children who are learning to read, and developed in consultation with Alison Kelly, Principal Lecturer in Education and reading specialist at the University of Roehampton. Delightfully illustrated, these books combine great stories with simple text to excite and inspire any beginner reader. A poor fisherman finds a genie in a bottle – a big, bad, hungry genie. What will the fisherman do? This lively retelling of an old Arabian tale has easy-to-read text and fun puzzles to try after the story.
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